Smart Meter Top-up

How Did We Do?

At E, we are continually looking to improve our service so that we can provide an even better experience to our customers. We would really value your view on how you feel we have performed. The survey is very short and should only take a minute of your time.

1. Overall, how satisfied were you with the service provided to you by E? (Where 0 is not satisfied at all and 10 is completely satisfied)

2. How helpful have you found the E Customer Service Team to be? (Where 0 is not helpful at all and 10 is extremely helpful)

3. How easy have you found the E website to use? (Where 0 is not easy at all and 10 is very easy to use)

4. How likely is it that you would recommend E to your friends and family? (Where 0 is very unlikely and 10 is extremely likely)

5. What could we do to improve your experience with us?


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